Topic Guides
The topic guides below are a curated list of resources on some of the most asked about topics related to youth apprenticeship. The curated lists are compiled from all the resources available in this library. Our hope is that these guides can be a starting point for your search.
If you have ideas on additional topic guides, please let us know by using the form on the “Contact” page. We check this regularly.
Youth Apprenticeship Basics
What is youth apprenticeship? How do you start a youth apprenticeship program? Who should be involved? What role do various partners play? This topic guide is the home of the library's foundational resources on youth...
Employer Partnerships
Employers are critical partners in youth apprenticeship programs. They work with education partners to identify skill requirements, build training plans, and deliver on-the-job training by offering a paid work experience and helping to define, deliver,...

PAYA Resources
A collection of original resources developed by the Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship (PAYA)....
Education Partner Collaboration
Facilitating effective collaboration across education partners is critical for successful implementation of youth apprenticeship programs. This guide delves into strategies and tools to support the development of partnerships with education partners in the K-12 and...
Registering Youth Apprenticeship Programs
Registered Apprenticeship is a structured and rigorous model of apprenticeship that requires program sponsors to obtain approval from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) or a federally recognized State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA). Registered apprenticeships include...
Apprentice Recruitment and Support
Central to the success of any youth apprenticeship initiative is the ability to effectively recruit and support apprentices. This guide offers strategies, tools, and resources aimed at attracting, selecting, and sustaining a diverse pool of...
Occupational Pathways
High-quality youth apprenticeships lead to careers with family supporting wages and advancement potential. Building strong occupational pathways requires understanding of the local labor market, your own portfolio of apprenticeship programs, and the characteristics of the...
Data for Improvement and Evaluation
High-quality data are valuable to grow and improve youth apprenticeship programs. Data helps to track what's working and what isn't in order to make informed decisions and find solutions based on evidence. Good data also...

Case Studies of Exemplar Programs
One of the best ways to learn about youth apprenticeship is to see how it's actually being done. In this guide you'll find some of the best case studies in the library. These resources provide...